Think about your daily food decisions

Our daily food decisions can have a significant impact on not only our health, but the health of our planet. Here are some tips to help you eat with the earth in mind and make conscious decisions when it comes to what’s on your plate.

Buy Local

Minimize the carbon footprint of your shopping trips by taking a weekly trip to local grocery stores or combine shopping with other car trips. When in season, check out local farmers markets and farm stands. Not only will you support local businesses you’ll also lessen the environmental impact of your purchases through reduced vehicle travel time.

Start composting today

Composting is an excellent way to re-purpose food scraps, transforming them into nutrient-rich soil for yards or potted plants. Sign up with Mr. Fox Composting for curbside service, or you can bring your compost to the transfer station for drop off. Another idea would be to learn how to start your own compost pile in your backyard.

Save your food scraps

Save your scraps like celery, onions, carrots, corn, bell peppers, and more to make broth for soups and cooking. Frozen tomatoes are great for salsa, overripe bananas for banana breads, and leftover berries for smoothies. Give otherwise overlooked food a second life.

Source: Cariuma

Published by jreddigital

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