It’s good for the environment. About half of what we throw into the garbage bin is food and garden vegetation. Composting reduces greenhouse emissions and reduces your carbon footprint, because when organic waste ends up in landfill, it decomposes without oxygen, and produces methane and carbon dioxide, both of which contribute to Global Warming.

Every bit helps. We generate 21,500,000 tons of food waste each year. If we compost that food it would reduce the same amount of greenhouse gas as taking 2 million cars off the road.

Compost helps your garden to retain nutrients and water. Compost is a nutrient rich fertilizer that helps soil retain water. Compost also improves soil aeration.
Compost will save you money. It’s economical – you probably already have all of the things you need to make compost, and you’ll save money in the long run by not having to buy soil and plant food. By using the compost that you have made as a soil conditioner or mulch, this will reduce the need to purchase these products, which can lead to significant savings.

No need for chemicals. Compost eliminates the need for chemicals, additives and sulfurs – more organic compost means less chemicals, which equates to a cleaner, healthier environment .
Composting is convenient. No need to bag your leaves and other garden waste and take it to the transfer station. Add them to your composter and watch them turn into compost.

If you have questions about composting and would like to see a bin before reserving it, visit the IWMAC table at Durham’s Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 22, from 10 to 2. There will be a sample bin there, and the members of IWMAC can answer your questions . You can also sign up to reserve a bin and drop off your check at that time.

Please note: The deadline to reserve a bin is Monday, April 24 at 4 PM.
Source: vitality4life.com
Brought to you by the IWMAC Committee

Published by jreddigital

Digital Artist