Consider Composting!

Composting is one of the most effective and impactful ways to be sustainable. If you’re looking to make just one sustainable change in your life, consider composting!
Here are a few tips from Durham residents on what helps make composting work for them.
If you have a backyard compost:
“I rotate 2 bins in order to have good compost for my garden. I leave one to rest and decompose for a season while I fill the other.”
“In the winter, when my bin tends to freeze shut, I bag my compost and take it to the transfer station.”
“My Autumn pumpkins will complete their life cycle in our yard next to our leaf pile. “
If you bring your compost to the transfer station:
“I live in town, so I don’t have a yard big enough for a backyard compost. Instead, I keep a 3 gallon ceramic compost bin under my sink for my compost. The bin has a filter, which keeps it odor-free and it’s easy to fill with food scraps during food prep. When the weather gets warm, I store my full bags of compost in the freezer until I bring them to the transfer station for drop off.”
“I keep a colander with a plate under it on the counter when I prepare meals. That way, I can just toss scraps in the colander while I’m working, let any liquid drain out, and then, at the end of the day, I empty the colander into the bin we keep under the sink. The colander fits easily in the fridge during the summer, so we don’t invite fruit flies.”
“Ever since I’ve been composting, my trash bin is so light and easy to wheel to the curb.”
Join us on Wednesday, October 25 at 6:30 PM at the Durham Public Library to learn more about composting, and how you can benefit from its advantages.
Brought to you by the IWMAC Committee
Questions about recycling or composting? Email us at

Published by jreddigital

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