DID YOU KNOW? 🌎 – Reducing Plastic Packaging

Just over a quarter of all plastics are used for packaging and approximately 95% of the plastic used in packaging is disposed of after one use. One-third of this packaging is not collected, becoming pollution that generates significant economic costs by reducing the productivity of vital natural systems such as our oceans. This damage to our natural systems exceeds the profit of the packaging industry according to a report by McKinsey.
What You Can D
Push back on the amount of plastics used in grocery stores. Consider purchasing food items from a local farm co-op or farmers market. If you go to the grocery store, bring your reusable bags and produce bags. Let grocery store management know how you feel about the amount of plastics being used.
Collect your packaging materials (plastic air bags, Styrofoam peanuts, bubble wrap, etc.) and bring them to a shipping and mailing service that accepts packaging materials for reuse. The Postal Center USA in Lee is one example.
Bring your single-use plastic bags (and other plastics that stretch) to the Dover Chamber of Commerce. They accept single-use plastics that will be later turned into Trex decking.
Source: MIT Technology Review
Brought to you by the IWMAC Committee
Questions about recycling or composting? Email us at DurhamRecycles603@gmail.com
Not sure if an item can be recycled? Click HERE.
Want to know more about the Swap Shop? Click HERE.

Published by jreddigital

Digital Artist